Teacher of psychology, author, researcher.



I am an author, university teacher and researcher. My research interests focus on the psychology of education, specifically memory and teacher professional learning. I have authored several books relating to the psychology of education, as well as school psychology textbooks.



Currently I am researching the application of the ‘interleaving effect’ to classroom tasks, as well as teacher and learner metacognition. I’m also part of a team looking at practitioner enquiry and research identities in the workplace, and exploring ‘nudge psychology’ strategies for better research engagement. Check out my ResearchGate profile for more.

Study History and employment

I work as a Teaching Fellow at the School of Education of the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, and have also taught in schools, adult education, and online. I did my undergraduate degree in Psychology at the University of St.Andrews – where I focused on working memory, social identity, and learning via imitation – and then completed an MSc in Applied Linguistics at the University of Edinburgh. I later completed a PhD at Strathclyde, alongside my work there.

Talks & workshops

I have delivered many workshops, CPD sessions and talks. Recent topics have included:

  • ‘Metacognition: how effectively can students and educators reflect on experience?

  • Applying the science of creativity to school learning.

  • Developing pupil metacognition and exam skills.

  • Mythbusting – tackling ‘neuromyths’ in the teaching profession.

A full list of my past talks can be seen here (listed below the books/publications), and I would be happy to discuss future speaking opportunities – just message me via my contact page. I also run professional learning sessions – more information here.

Selected Publications

My publications fall into four main categories:

  • Books for teachers

  • Textbooks for school psychology

  • Research-based articles

  • Popular articles and blogs (aimed at teachers)

My most recent book is ‘The Teacher’s Guide to Research’ – as the name suggests, it aims to guide teachers through the process of using research in their classrooms, including equipping them to carry out and share their own research/practitioner enquiry projects. All of my books can be seen here, and a full list of all of my publications can be seen here.

Finally, please take a look at the resources available in my shop, including the short guide for students, ‘How to Learn’, psychology revision resources, and much more.